It has been a relatively quiet week, but we have managed to squeeze in some awesome things. Hiking in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve. Watching the US Team beat Ghana and then tie Portugal. Meeting some amazing new friends. Finding out it is in fact possible to make a career out of on-line poker. Learning [...]

Happy Father’s Day to our wonderful Dads! Although we have walked quite a bit while we have been here, including our daily mile hike from our cabina to Santa Elena (up a pretty substantial hill, I might add!) we have not done much hiking. We have seen several paths and have read about numerous hikes [...]

World Cup is here! We officially have World Cup Fever!! We have watched several games at restaurants/bars here and it has been an incredible experience. It is impossible to not be a soccer fan after being in a country that is so passionate about it! We watched the opening game, Brazil vs. Croatia at Bar [...]

I have been forbidden to use the kitchen sink. That’s where our new friend Larry lives and we NEED Larry to be comfortable so he will stay and eat all of the bugs in our cabina. If there is one thing we could change about our cabina it would be the bugs. We have bugs [...]

Don Juan Coffee Plantation & Monteverde Cheese Factory Tours thumbnail

Aunt Pant came to Costa Rica! We met up with her last night and enjoyed a wonderful dinner with her and Beth (at a very exclusive restaurant that required reservations!) where we heard all about their adventures with monkeys and lizards at Manuel Antonio before they came to the cloud forest.

Today we went on a couple of the more famous tours [...] Continue Reading

Roughing it in Costa Rica

Roughing it in Costa Rica thumbnail

Yesterday we decided to head into Santa Elena, have a few beers and check out the local nightlife. We have spent a good amount of time in Santa Elena and been to several local places but have so far returned home before dark like old folks. Now it was time to get a taste of the cloud forest nightlife! So, around 5:30… we headed to the bar. Now, 5:30 may seem a bit early. We are too young for the early bird senior citizens discount but with the sun setting between 6 and 6:30 we decided to make the 30+ minute walk before it got [...] Continue Reading

The Trek to Monteverde – Plus a Sloth Sighting! thumbnail

Our first few days in Santa Elena have been extremely relaxing, we have been awakened each morning by birds calling to one another and roosters crowing. We have a tree right outside our window that often has hummingbirds flitting back and forth through its flowers. There is a beautiful green bird that perches outside our window that we keep meaning to ask about (Toucan Sam, perhaps?). So we sit, watching the birds and looking for sloths while we wake up and enjoy our coffee [...] Continue Reading

Journey to the Cloud Forest

Journey to the Cloud Forest thumbnail

We made it to Costa Rica! After a very long, boring morning in the airport and a long, boring flight we landed in San Jose, Costa Rica! We made it through customs and found our way to the old Puntarenas bus station where we bought our tickets to our final destination in Costa Rica, Monteverde- The Cloud Forest.

Not to brag or anything, but I am pretty much [...] Continue Reading

Let’s Start at the Very Beginning thumbnail

After thinking, researching, planning, packing and then re-packing we finally settled on what we were bringing. For a whole year. And then we fretted and worried about whether it was enough and decided that we are not going anywhere so remote that we will not be able to pick up toothpaste. Or whatever it was we forgot. As long as we have lots of snacks we will be ok, you can laugh at anything on a full stomach, but tempers tend to run short on an empty [...] Continue Reading